Thursday, April 29, 2010


It seems like every few years I get this my heart is going to push the walls of my chest wider and wider until it can slip through and escape me altogether. Usually the feeling begins on the first moonlit night that I happen to step out of doors and I smell that summer-is-coming scent on the wind. Suddenly, I am thrust back in time and I am standing on a different stoop with a whole different clutch of dreams in my hands; waiting breathlessly to see where they might take me. And now I am here, nowhere near where I thought I would be and I seem to be facing a pretty straight road. I miss the bends and forks that my road used to hold. I miss the sense of adventure that struck me at the top of every hill and the exhilaration I felt once I reached the bottom. Are these chances gone forever? Or are they just eluding me for now, desiring to be pursued as they once were? Oh chance, oh luck, I love you!

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