Monday, November 17, 2014

New Horizons

A lot has changed in the four years since I've posted to this blog. I'm not going to waste time listing everything out, instead, I'm going to let you experience some of it for yourself.

I've been published for real and traveled to Ireland to participate in a reading of my story. It was amazing and surreal. In order to maintain a presence online for my writing, I've started another blog. You can keep tabs on it here.

I've also become close friends with some amazing women and we are currently working on a group blog that is all about friendship, community, and living an authentic life. If you want to see what we are up to, you can read all about it here.

I may post things here from time to time, maybe things I find in my old journals (I really need to go through those) but for the most part you can find me scribbling away at one of the sites above.

Thanks for stopping by.


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