Tuesday, October 11, 2005


I have to admit, the green-eyed monster has been making a pest of himself lately. I thought that I had dealt with him a few months ago; I told him not to bother coming back and he moved all of his stuff out of my apartment. It seemed like a clean break-up and I was surprised that it had gone so well.

But today, I found his socks stuffed under the left side of the bed. I think I'd asked him about a million times not to leave them there, and that was when he was still living here. And on Saturday, the peanut butter was sitting on the stove and there were dirty dishes in the sink. I tried to convince myself that I had simply forgotten the midnight snacking that I did, but the socks were the clincher. That could not be me.

I guess I don't really know what to do. I don't really want to get back into this relationship, it did not work out that well the first time around. There were things that were great but the truth of the matter is, the bad far outweighed the good. He was so demanding and thinking about him or taking care of him absorbed all my time.

He was so comfortable.

I am better off without him.

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