Saturday, October 15, 2005


The capricious nature of the human race often puzzles me. More often than not, I look back at the decisions I have made and wonder what exactly I was thinking when those pivotal moments faced me. And nothing confuses me more than love.

It is something elusive, something beautiful, or so the poets would have us believe. We wait for it to find us, sweep us off our feet, carry us away to a land where we live happily ever after. Have we not been told this story since we were young? Who has so blinded us to the reality of love?

My experience has been that it is costly and messy, much like the rest of life. There is agony and blood, tears and sweat - is this not the way anything worth having is won? We know how much love will cost us, that is why we only play at it. We have created a game, a game that allows us to taste but never to own, allows us to feel but not enough to hurt. True love is bittersweet but we want only the sweet. We have become afraid to love for to love is to feel another's heart beating within our own; their pain, despair, their happiness becomes as our own. Is it too much for us to bear?

We yearn for it and then reject it when it comes to us. Why? How can we understand the true essence of love when all we have been allowed to understand is a facade of its true beauty?

Love is...........


  1. the point and meaning of it all - in and thru so many blogs - why are all of us looking at the point and meaning of it all?

    coming back to your post, i think we want things which are self contradictory (just like if a + b = 5 then a = 3 and b = 3 are self contradictory)... something like that.

    you are most welcome to delete this comment - i dont think i have been able to make much sense.
    but i couldnt help saying - hey i heard you and i so agree!
