Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Spring in Upstate

It is something like spring outside. The sky has been grey and cloudy and the sidewalks are moist with puddles and worms scattered along them. Everything is green, bright and verdant, and, against the wet brown of the trunks, the leaves seem to shine like stars. I love New York in the spring. As soon as the sun begins to shine, people put away their sweaters and coats, donning on shorts and t-shirts though we all know it is still to chilly for such clothing. The slapping sound of flip-flops fills the air wherever you go and bathing suit shopping is the focus of the hour. And it's only May. But the summer, hot as it can be, never lasts long and the natives know that if they aren't prepared, it could pass them by. That is why we sunbathe in the middle of April, whenever there is sun, and swim in water that could conceivably give us hypothermia. You might think we're crazy but that's because you're an outsider. Only the natives understand New York....You don't like the weather here? Wait five minutes, it will change.

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